Sunday, 15 February 2009

Stubborn Like a Donkey

A farmer once had two donkey. He wamted to find out which of them was more stubborn than the other. So he tied the two with a 15 feet rope. He put two stacks of hay 25 feet apart and let the donkey loose. Each donkey started pulling towards its own stack of hay. After tugging, pulling, tugging, pulling, they started chokingeach other. But they were donkeys. They continued pulling in their own direction and eventually choked each other to death. They chould have both gone together in one direction and eaten one stack of hay and them gone to the other and eaten that too. But they didn't do it that way. Why? Beacuse they were donkeys. They choked each other to death.

The sad part is, there are many donkeys who exist in human form. When some of them get into positions of power they cause irreparable damage to society.

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